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Stager Institute

Treatment, Training, Retreats
OsteoFascial Integration Curricula
Virtual Seminars

Eloise is a Licensed Massage Therapist with advanced training and Diplomate certification in CranioSacral Therapy. She received her CST training with the Upledger Institute.

Eloise Stager, LMT, CST-D, considers her clients her teachers and feels honored to be involved in their healing process. As an empath and intuit, combined with her years of training in CranioSacral Therapy and massage therapy, Eloise can be by your side for your healing.


Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, Sports Injuries, Concussion, Trauma, and Wellness of Mind, Body, & Spirit.

EDS/HDS/Connective Tissue Disorders

Eloise Stager, CST-D, has defined and refined craniosacral therapy treatment protocols for those with EDS and continues to derive new techniques and adaptations for each of her clients. She has spent several years researching, practicing and implementing CranioSacral Therapy techniques to specifically address the unique qualities of people with EDS. She regularly mentors and educates colleagues and health professionals on Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes.

Scope of Practice and Diagnosing

Eloise’s License in massage therapy limits the scope of her practice to soft tissue evaluation and manipulation and does not permit diagnoses, prescriptions, or medical referrals or imaging. Client support, recommendations and suggestions is acceptable and encouraged within the massage therapy profession.

Education & Training

Diplomate Certified in CranioSacral Therapy, Upledger Institute, 2018

Bachelors of Arts in Biology, Long Island University, 1993

Certified Doula (previous), Association of Labor Assistants and Childbirth Educators (ALACE) 1997-2007

Instructor for American Academy of Husband Coached Childbirth (the Bradley Method) 1994-2004

Licensed Massage Therapist 2003-Current

CranioSacral Therapist 2005-Current


CranioSacral Therapy, levels 1 & 2

Somato-Emotional Release, levels 1 & 2

Advanced CranioSacral Therapy, levels 1 & 2

CranioSacral Therapy for Sensory Integration

Medical Neuroscience, Duke U; Coursera online education

NeuroMeningeal Maniplation

CST Touching the Brain/Glial Interface

CranioSacral Therapy Working with Chronic Depletion

CranioSacral Therapy and Listening to the Second Brain - The Enteric Nervous System

Cranial Lymphatic Balancing

Distance Healing- Healing From the Core (Suzanne Scurlock)

In Process: Diploma of Osteopathic Manual Therapy, London School of Osteopathy


Certified Teaching Assistant for CranioSacral Therapy levels 1 & 2; Somato-Emotional Release levels 1 & 2, Advanced 1

Support Therapist for Upledger International / Integrative Intentions Comprehensive Therapy Programs

Upledger Institute Certified Presenter

Presenter for Beyond the Dura 2019: CranioSacral Therapy for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome


Applications of CranioSacral Therapy for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Eloise is a Licensed Massage Therapist with advanced training and Diplomate certification in Cran... Read More

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